Cloudy Amsterdam - iPhone
Cloudy Amsterdam - iPhone

Amsterdam has always been on my travel bucket list, and this year, I finally had the chance to visit this picturesque city. My expectations were high, but Amsterdam didn’t disappoint. From the stunning canals to the historical landmarks, and exquisite museums, Amsterdam has so much to offer. In this blog post, I will be taking you through my experiences visiting Anne Frank’s House, the Van Gogh Museum, and exploring the city’s stunning canals.

Anne Frank House: Visiting Anne Frank’s House was a solemn and touching experience. The tour takes you through the life of a Jewish family, during one of the darkest times in history. The house is where Anne Frank, and her family, hid from the Nazis during World War II for two years. The tour includes an audio guide that takes you through the secret annex, where the Frank family lived. You’ll see the famous diary that Anne wrote, and learn about how the family went about their day to day lives in the annex. Although it was a difficult experience, I’m glad that I visited Anne Frank’s House. It’s sobering to remember the atrocities of the past and reminds us to strive for a better future.

Van Gogh Museum: The Van Gogh Museum was undoubtedly the highlight of my trip. It’s a beautiful building, housing over 200 of Van Gogh’s paintings, hundreds of his letters, and drawings. I was fascinated by his life and his drive to create beautiful artworks, despite his struggles with mental health. You’ll get to see firsthand how he developed his unique style of painting through the chronological arrangement of his works. I also enjoyed learning about the artists who inspired Van Gogh, and the other artists who were inspired by him. The museum also has an excellent cafe, where I enjoyed a cup of coffee and some pastries while admiring the museum’s stunning gardens.

The Canals: Amsterdam’s canals are a UNESCO World Heritage Site and are a must-see. I took a canal boat tour that lasted an hour, and it was an incredible way to see the city’s architecture and stunning views. I was surprised at how green the city was, despite being known for its urban landscapes. The tour took us through the city’s most beautiful canals, and I learned about Amsterdam’s rich history as a famous port city. It was amazing to see the famous Dutch architecture, the houseboats, and the cycling locals that make Amsterdam so unique.

Food and drinks: Amsterdam’s local cuisine is a foodie’s paradise. I enjoyed trying the traditional dutch delicacies like stroopwafels, bitterballen, poffertjes, and herring. I also tried local beers like Heineken and Grolsch and some excellent Dutch gin. I loved the food markets, and I highly recommend visiting De Foodhallen in the heart of the city. It’s an enormous indoor food court, offering a range of cuisines, from sushi to burgers. There’s also a fantastic bar that serves some of the best craft beers I’ve ever had.

My trip to Amsterdam was nothing short of incredible. The city exceeded my expectations, and I’m so glad I visited all these fantastic landmarks. The Anne Frank House and the Van Gogh Museum were both incredibly insightful and offered unique experiences. The canal boat ride was a scenic journey and a great way to explore the city better. I had some of the best food and drinks in my life in this beautiful city. My advice to anyone considering a visit to Amsterdam is to go; it’s a city that offers something for everyone.